Geraldine A. Roxas-Abuel

Nothing is stronger than a mother's instinct, especially a single mother's. Just ask Geraldine A. Roxas-Abuel: "My goal has always been to give my son the best opportunity to succeed. The highest-quality education, best living circumstances and ultimately a better life, and I share these goals with all single mothers. We want what is best for our children."

Geraldine was born in the Philippines, where she graduated from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines with a bachelor’s degree in Business Management. She has more than 20 years’ experience working in Human Resources and Office Administration in the Philippines and Dubai. Geraldine’s management background came in handy when she was planning a new life in B.C. for her and her son.

Her decision to come to B.C. was simple, “The rest of the world sees Canada as one of the best places to live. It has great education, healthcare, and it’s safe. There were three major reasons I chose B.C. – its multicultural makeup, climate and economic opportunity.”

In 2011, Geraldine put her plan into action. She moved to B.C. with her now 12-year old son and arrived as a permanent resident through the Government of Canada’s Federal Skilled Worker Program. Geraldine and her son needed support to help get settled and find work and education in B.C. That support came from WelcomeBC.

“Before coming to B.C. I identified WelcomeBC as a resource that could help us, but I had no idea what its impact on us would be. The Newcomers' Guide helped me get my son connected to a school, get health insurance and got me moving on a job,” she happily remarks. “Once we had the essentials covered, I was able to read the occupational guides, and they helped me get my degree qualified in B.C. Now I’m an Office Manager for Agilent Security Company in Surrey.”

WelcomeBC’s Job Profiles for Immigrants can help you understand how your occupation is practiced in B.C. The guides also provide easy steps on how to find a job that matches your skills, training and experience – and how to get your foreign qualifications recognized.

Today, Geraldine and her son have found a home in Surrey just outside Vancouver. From planning a better life for her son in Dubai, to having found a new home and a great job in B.C., Geraldine feels like she’s come full circle. “I’m so thankful for WelcomeBC’s resources and services – they’ve made the process work for us. This is the life I planned for my son and this is what I dreamed of. I still find it exciting that it actually happened – our future in B.C. is bright.”

New to B.C.? Learn how to get your qualifications recognized.

Are you new to B.C.? WelcomeBC's multilingual Newcomers' Guide are available in thirteen different languages. The guides provide newcomers and their families information on how to get settled in B.C., including topics such as: housing, banking, healthcare, jobs, and business.