WelcomeBC can help you find the information, tools and resources you need. It also provides links to useful resources for community leaders and service providers as they help new members of their communities.

Immigration plays an important role in building a strong British Columbia. If you are a new resident of British Columbia, WelcomeBC.ca can help you take your first steps: getting settled; finding employment; joining your community; and contributing to the social and economic prosperity of B.C.

Awards and recognition

Accenture Institute for Health and Public Service Value

The Accenture Institute for Health and Public Service Value recognized WelcomeBC.ca as a world leader in the use of new technologies to strengthen relationships with citizens. Accenture highlighted the way WelcomeBC.ca researches its clients to ensure that its services directly match their needs.

The Institute of Public Administration of Canada 

The Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) awarded a Bronze Innovative Management Award to WelcomeBC.ca and its creators. The competition focused on organizations, programs and individuals who have significantly improved a part of the public sector.

British Columbia Premier's Awards

WelcomeBC.ca received a Regional Silver Award for Service Excellence in the B.C. Public Service. The site was also recognized as a provincial finalist under the Innovation and Excellence Awards program.

Public Sector Information Technology Awards

WelcomeBC.ca received awards in the categories of Citizen Engagement and Team Work for leadership, innovation and excellence in the use of information technologies. The public sector awards include government agencies, Crown corporations, municipalities, and public education and health care organizations.