Claire Chang

Moving is a stressful experience, even if it’s just across town. Imagine moving across the world, pregnant, with no job prospects. In 2009, that’s what Claire Chang did when she and her husband made their dreams of moving to B.C. come true. “We knew we wanted to live in B.C., but moving over in those circumstances was definitely a gamble.” 

Claire had a plan. She had applied to the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Federal Skilled Workers Program while in China and was accepted. She was considered a permanent resident upon arrival in B.C. Claire spent her days reading books to her son and cooking him delicious meals. She’s a proud mom and wanted to spend as much time as possible with him.

One and half years after Claire arrived in B.C. she felt it was time to reenter the workforce. She had lots of experience working in law firms in China and was looking for a fresh start in B.C.

Claire needed somewhere to begin her job search. Claire started by reading through WelcomeBC’s Job Profiles for Immigrants which outline how internationally trained professionals can get their qualifications recognized in B.C.

Claire and her husband were able to secure their dream of starting a new life in B.C.  Claire was recently hired as a practicing lawyer in a law firm based in Vancouver. WelcomeBC was one of her starting points on getting her work experience, qualifications, and skill set recognized in B.C.

Are you new to B.C.? WorkBC career profiles can help you understand how your occupation is practiced in B.C. The guides also provide easy steps on how to find a job that matches your skills, training and experience – and how to get your foreign qualifications recognized.