Climate of B.C.

Last reviewed: March 20, 2024

B.C. is a large province, and its climate varies significantly from one region to another. For example, we have some of the wettest climates in Canada as well as some of the driest. Some regions are very mild and others have more extreme ranges in temperature.  

B.C.’s climate is influenced by the Pacific Ocean and our mountain ranges.

Regional climates

Areas along the south coast have a mild climate year-round. Summers on the coast are warm, with daytime temperatures around 20°C. B.C.’s coastal regions have the mildest winters in all of Canada, and temperatures rarely drop below freezing.

The interior and central regions of the province have hotter summers, with temperatures in July often reaching 30°C or more.  Winters are colder and snowier than in coastal regions.

In the north, winters are long and cold with lots of snow, and summers are short. Along the north coast, there is a lot of rain in the spring, summer and fall, and the winters are cold.

Four seasons of fun

People in B.C. are able to enjoy an incredible range of outdoor activities. In the warmer months, many people like to bike, hike, swim, play sports or get out in a boat. In the winter months, in areas that have snow, people enjoy skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing and skating.

Learn more:

  • For current weather conditions and forecasts, visit Environment Canada.
  • To learn more about the climate and weather in B.C., visit the HelloBC website.